Our provision for Early Years is committed to offering an excellent education where children flourish. The curriculum lies at the very heart of our Early Years Foundation Stage and it is here where the building blocks to our progressive curriculum are secured and built upon as the children move through our school. We ensure there is an effective balance of adult-led and child-led activities and we have a strong focus on a play based curriculum and a child-led curriculum which caters for individual children’s interests. In child-initiated activities, children show high levels of engagement and this is where skilled practitioners develop the continuous provision to support progress for all of our children. We ensure that our observations and assessments inform our provision and we inspire meaningful learning experiences for every child based on their own fascinations and needs. The characteristics of effective learning underpin all we do in Early Years and the environment, both indoors and out, supports high quality learning experiences. We prioritise and regard the mastering of foundational knowledge as crucial in the younger years. Reading and vocabulary development is therefore an integral part of our curriculum. . We plan our provision from the three Prime Areas and the four Specific Areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage. We work closely with parents and carers, valuing them as true partners in learning.

Children can attend from the age of 3 from 7:45am until 5.30pm - please see the information below.
Top-Up Sessions
You might be aware that the government funds 15/30 hours of nursery education for every child. We are able to offer additional sessions at cost to the parent. We’re flexible and can accommodate regular top-up sessions or just one-off sessions. Please contact us if you would like further information.
Before and After School Clubs
Nursery and reception children are very welcome at breakfast club (from 7:45am) or after school club. Pick-up times for club can be booked until 4pm, 4:30pm or 5pm. Booking should be made before noon on the required day.
Children are welcome to stay for lunch and can choose either a hot school lunch (cooked by Aspens) or to bring a packed lunch. School lunches are great value, nutritionally balanced and use fresh produce, sourced locally where possible. Menus are available from the school office and on our website.