School Uniform
We pride ourselves on the smart appearance of the children at Kewstoke. It means the children are ready to learn and focussed on their studies. Thank you to the parents in supporting this.
The uniform is black or grey trousers or skirt with black school shoes, a white polo shirt and dark green school jumper or cardigan (this does not have to be with a school logo).
In the warmer months, children are welcome to wear grey or black shorts or a green gingham summer dress is also acceptable.
Pre-loved items of uniform are available from the PTFA.
During term time pupils are asked not to have fashion hairstyles which include: shaved, dyed or streaked hair, beading, patterns, mohawks, lines and tramlines. Hair accessories such as bows and ribbons should be in school colours and not overly large. Hair which is long enough to touch the shoulders should be tied up.
Please also be reminded that pupils are not permitted to wear make up nor nail varnish unless this is clear.
For PE the children will need black shorts and a white T-shirt with trainers or daps.
Please ensure that all items are named.